Saturday, December 8, 2012

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody...

Blog Post: Week of December 3rd
Photo # 8

I don't even know what that photo is ugh. She's a pretty dolly, though.

This week, I went to the Kensington Antique Open House! My mom bought me antique Kintama! They're gorgeous. Other than that, I didn't get much. I, of course, found a lot of vintage clothing that I wish I could have; but alas, no money in the bank for such things.

I took a few photos while there (as the one above); however, my camera's white balance has been screwing up. For some reason, the auto white balance makes every shot too cool toned, and attempting to manually set the white balance is way too time consuming to change every time the lighting changes (especially as I entered at least 8 different shoppes last night). As a result, all of my photos look a bit off, though I did try to edit them a bit.

An update from last week's post: I ended up getting the 50mm! I'm quite excited- it is, after all, my sister's favorite lens.

I am sorry this post is so short. I have done truly nothing this week. Nothing of importance. And no event has attracted my attention. I've been admiring Cecil Beaton, of late. That is all.

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