Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The arc light on the hillside and the market in the hay...

Blog Post: Week of October 29th
Photo # 3

I took that photo during my friend Sophie's birthday party. It was in a corn maze...obviously.

The party began at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School, which is a lot cleaner and prettier than Montgomery Blair. We all boarded the Party Bus and drove for about an hour to get the farm. There, we got into groups of six and started our journey in a corn maze. We were supposed to find eight mailboxes and get stamps at each one to complete a map that would lead us out of the maze, but my group and I ended up finding the exit before finding even two mailboxes. No other group had found the exit yet, so my group and I relaxed atop a tall hay stack formation.

Photo # 4

Once everyone had found their way out of the maze, whole party group congregated and explored the farm. Some stayed on the haystacks, some went straight to the slide as we waited for our hayride vehicle to come. When it did, we call got on and got pumpkins!

Photo # 5

Finally, we all sat down and ate pizza, salad, and cake as we sipped Hershey hot chocolate (the type that comes in the little bags). I must say, it was an altogether relaxing and satisfying day for me.

Another plus, while at my friend's party, I not only took a ton of photos, I also took a lot of footage for my Capture the Fall video!

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