Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

City Chase by Royalty Free Kings

Condition one by wilsonfrontier

Fleet Assault by constaneum

04 - Storming New Caprica by wilsonfrontier

At this point, after spending so much time zoning out in front of a computer screen looking for music in archives that are larger than Earth itself...I'm not even sure if any of those are relevant to our trailer. But, from what I can tell, they're all pretty climactic and dramatic and intense. We could use clips of these throughout the trailer as our trailer is aimed to be suspenseful and fast-paced.

For the first track, specifically, it could be used as suspenseful and exciting music for our chase is, after all, called Chase.
For the second track, (Condition One, beeping) it could be background to the main music to add suspense and urgency.
The other two are basically just intense, exciting Battlestar Galactica Tracks. I. Regret. Nothing.

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